Dukan Pizza

Don`t you like pizza? Who doesn`t? You can eat it while you are dieting now!

Serves 1

Ingredients for dough:

-1 egg

- 4 tablespoons of oat bran

- 1 teaspoon of  dry yeast or baking powder

- salt

For topping:

- tomato sauce

- sliced chickcen or turkey ham

- fat free cheese

- mushrooms

- 1 pepper

- salt and pepper

-thyne, oregano

Preaheat the oven at 180oC.

Beat the egg and add the oat bran. Mix this with the yeast and some salt. You will have a dough with soft consistency. Pour the dough on a tray cover with kitchen paper and shape into a thin round shape (just like normal pizza).

Put it in oven and leave it 7-8 minutes. Remove the tray from the oven and put over the dough the pizza topping: tomato sauce (no added sugar), sliced chicken or turkey ham, some fat free cheese, mushrooms and 3-4 slices of pepper. Put salt,pepper, thyme, oregano and bake it on the oven about 10-15 minutes (or until you think it’s ready).

Enjoy it!

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